Thursday, 13 November 2014

Homework Blues


Courtney Olexa
November 3, 2014
Blog #3 English 11
Homework Blues

       As I shuffled into the classroom, I knew that Mr. Van Camp would never believe me. I looked at my scuffed shoes and mumbled, “My homework is not done, Sir. I do have a good excuse though."

       " This is not the first time your homework has not been completed. Perhaps," Mr. Van Camp suggested, "it's time to speak with your parents."

       "Please, you have no idea what will happen to me if you phone my home," I moaned. It looked as if he was going to fall for my story.

      "Well, let's hear your excuse. It better be good."

      I felt a split second of relief, knowing that he was going to give me a chance to clarify myself, I began to speak.

      "That is why It would be a very bad idea for you to call home" I explained.

      Mr. Van Camp had this odd look on his face, and then he spoke. "Ah, I see," and that's all he said.

      Confused, frustrated and worried, wondering what his next words would be. 

      "I believe your parents need to be informed of the complications of why your 'Book Club' comes before your English work," declared Mr. Van Camp.

      All I was thinking at that moment was, "Why.. Why was this day just getting worse and worse for me every second I am standing here.
      Mr. Van Camp had cleared his throat, waiting for a response from me.

      Everyone said he was a nice calm teacher that is understanding. But I must of been wrong.

      As the tension started building up within me, he let out a laugh. Then I was confused and insulted that he would have the nerve to laugh at me! I was stunned out of my mind.

     "I am kidding," he exclaimed, "I understand the dilemma you are going through, and I will give you an extra week to finish the work."

     I didn't know what to say. So all I said was, "um, thankyou?"

     Mr. Van Camp got up out of his foam chair, and left me standing there in a stunned silence.  


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